5 Tips to Crush Your Photography Goals in 2021

New Year. New You. Am I right? 

If you're like most photographers I know, you probably have some serious photography goals for the year. Maybe you want to acquire some new equipment. Maybe you want to photograph the local stock show, or maybe this is the year you gain the confidence you need to start your own photography business. Whatever it is, I'm here for it.  (My goal for the year is to build the perfect picture pen here on our farm. I'm documenting the journey for our subscribers and you can Join below...) 

At any rate, you don't need to hear the same old meeting your goals requires action speech from me that you can get anywhere else. Here are five ways you can crush your photography goals in 2021. 

1. Get outside your comfort zone.  Push yourself to learn more about your craft by taking photos of everything at every opportunity. Review the shots and the metadata and repeat. You've got to put in the reps

2. Offer your service for free.  No matter what kind of photos you take; portraits, weddings, landscapes, or livestock, there is always someone out there who needs the service but either can't afford it or isn't ready to make a big investment in it yet. Donate your time to the county livestock show, help a friend that has one or two head to picture for a consignment sale, or give a friend a free family portrait session. You've got to put in the reps

 3. Rent a lens.  Just like life, when you look at things through a new lens, it completely changes your perspective. Go to lensrentals.com and rent something fun to try for a weekend. The commitment of laying out your cash will force you to practice and the novelty of a new lens will have you eager to try something new.  I highly recommend the 50mm f1.4 to begin blowing your mind about what's possible. You've got to put in the reps

4. Print your work. Document your starting point for the year by printing your work. In the digital world where we live, people don't often take time to print their photographs. I highly encourage you to go find two to ten of your own favorite photos and print them. It doesn't have to be fancy but display your own work. Something about hanging your own photos is highly encouraging. I think it feeds your spirit and pushes you in the direction you want to go. I bet you anything that your favorite few pictures are pretty good. Give them a place to hang in your home or office. You'll find yourself looking at your photos in a new light and they'll constantly be enticing you to get out and create some more work. It's a great way to inspire yourself to put in the reps

5. Put in the reps. You simply will not become a better photographer unless you go take pictures. You've got to put in the reps. 

To help you meet your photography goals, all our entry level courses are half off through the end of January 2021. Check them out here

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E-mail [email protected] 

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B.J. Eick is a writer, photographer, and filmmaker with a passion for animal agriculture.

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